Here are some pics of my little goblins dressed up for Halloween. Rex dressed as an astronaut, Sean is Bob the Builder, and Jack is dressed as Tigger. They had a trick-or-treat parade this morning at preschool. (Nothing like starting the "way too much candy"/"mega-sugar rush day" at 9:00 in the morning.) The kids walk down the sidewalk (Sean's class rides along in wagons) and the different businesses come out to hand out the candy. It's lots of fun, and I think the herd of camcorder-happy parents have just as much fun watching all of the adorable costumes as the kids do trick-or-treating! But this is just the beginning. We have a neighborhood Halloween Party today with lots of fun games planned for the kids, and the day will be topped off with trick-or-treating around the neighborhood after dark. Hope you all have as much fun as we plan to! Happy Halloween!