I can't believe I'm even taking the time to post this blog right now. I'm supposed to be baking, and cleaning, and shopping, and wrapping, oh- and taking care of three children. I asked for a cape for Christmas. But I just had to take a minute to share these pics of the boys as they anxiously wait for old St. Nick. Jack sported a festive Santa Suit today (thanks Aunt Mindi!) and looked adorable! The grandmas at the mall fussed all over him. Rex and Sean were entertained this afternoon by the huge box that our new dishwasher came in (yes, our old dishwasher sadly passed two days ago.) It sickens me to know that I have spent way too much money on toys this year when a large cardboard box is all any child really wants. I'll try to get some good Christmas morning pictures posted when the big day arrives. May you all have a very Merry Christmas!!