Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Boys

Here are some pictures taken this past week. Rex is usually not one to sit and color a picture(he scribbles one line and announces "Done!")but he loves scissors, glue sticks, and hole punchers, and he managed to make Michael the cutest card for his birthday. He is also into dressing himself these days, and he is quite sure that his blue and yellow galoshes match EVERYTHING!- even when its not raining and its 80 degrees outside. He makes quite a fashion statement. Like every mother, I pick my battles, and that is one battle I do not choose. Just like I did not pick the battle when he wanted to ride the neighbor girl's pink princess bike...complete with pink ladybug helmet. Doesn't he look darling? I guess that's what happens when you have the only boys in the neighborhood. (And actually, the girls love to come over to wear Rex's tool belts and play with his circular saw).
Sean on the other hand has had a rough week. He is just getting over (another) cold, and I think he is teething. Actually, I'm praying that he is teething and that his incessant crying will come to an end when the tooth finally erupts. I refuse to believe that any child can just simply be that unhappy. But I did manage to snap some shots of his brief (and fleeting) happy moments. I thought of snapping pictures of his crying, but that just seemed cruel. You'll just have to trust me. On a good note- he had his nine month check up on Friday, and he received a clean bill of health. He is almost 18lbs(10th percentile) and is 27 1/4 inches long (20th percentile). He's a tiny little thing, especially compared to Rex's 90th percentile measurements, but he is healthy, and that's what counts.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bath Time!

Sean was just having too much fun during bathtime tonight. His goofy little grin is enough to make anyone smile :-).

Fun on the Farm

We had a wonderful visit yesterday with Grandma and Granddad Sutton at the family farm in Virginia. Grandma and Granddad are in visiting from Seattle, so we drove down to spend the day with them. For those of you who are not familiar with "the farm," it is a place in Virginia that Michael's grandparents bought about 40 years ago. They lived there off and on for awhile, (they spent winters in Florida), and after they passed away, the family kept it as a place to get away to. There is a local farmer who grows crops in the fields, so there is always fresh corn and tomatoes in the summer. (Yum!) And best of all, that means there are tractors there for Rex to see. The farm is located in Warsaw, Virginia (go to the middle of nowhere, take a right, and continue on for three miles), and it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The house sits on a hill overlooking the Rappahanock River, and the view of the sunsets over the water is to die for. Michael's grandfather wanted a place where his grandchilden, great-grandchildren, etc., could escape from the "city life" for awhile and experience nature. It is common to see deer feeding in the fields and bald eagles flying overhead. It is truly a special place. Rex loves to visit there, and was very excited to spend the day with Grandma and Granddad. Well, let's be honest- he really wanted to see the tractors, but he was glad Granddad was there to walk him down to the sheds!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Here are some pictures from our Easter day today. All of my boys looked quite handsome in their khakis and button down shirts. They even managed to keep them clean! They were very excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come to visit (well, Rex was excited- Sean was pretty clueless about the whole thing). We had our annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt this morning (in the 30 degree temps), and the kids had lots of fun. Sean didn't find any eggs, but he sure did have fun playing with the eggs that Rex found (and emptied)! We had a nice afternoon visiting with Grandma and Granddad Sutton, and Uncle Matt and Aunt Lindsay.

Friday, April 6, 2007


There is just something adorable about little boys in galoshes. I bought Rex a pair last fall, and even though they were two sizes too big for him, he loved wearing them. He has since grown into them, and still loves them. He calls them his "snow boots" because he would wear them when he would help Daddy shovel the snow (the little bit that we did get). When I was at Target a few weeks ago, I found a pair of baby galoshes, and I fell in love with them. It was one of those impulse buys that you know is ridiculous (what does a non-walking eight month old need galoshes for?), but I just had to have them. Sean loves them- though he'd rather just play with them than wear them. As you can see in the last picture, he's even more facinated with Rex's boots. Either way- they are just too darn cute, so I took some pictures to share with everyone.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Indoor Play

After the summer-like weather from last week, the forty degree temps this week are that much more depressing. But we were able to have some fun playing inside. Sean is able to stand now while holding onto something, and he can sit by himself also. He LOVES the Leap Frog learning table. It keeps him occupied for the longest time! Rex was having fun taking pictures with his own camera. We got him a Fisher Price digital camera for his birthday. He actually takes some pretty good pictures! He was also having lots of fun playing with his fire truck. Around 5:00, he started running in circles again. Come Back Spring!!!