Thursday, September 17, 2009

Minor Setback

So we packed up and drove 2 hours to Philadelphia Wednesday. Sean had his pre-op appointment where they took an x-ray, took his blood pressure, and took some blood. Then they told us that due to some emergency surgeries that had come up, Sean's surgery had to be moved to Friday. So after a lot of deep breaths, (and a few choice words), we got back in the truck, and headed back home for the night. A word of advice- don't try to leave Philadelphia at 5:00. Especially in the rain. Everyone else is trying to leave, too. Over three and a half hours later, we were exhausted, but safe at home. Unless we hear otherwise, Sean is scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 6:00 am tomorrow (Friday) morning. We will drive back up tonight to spend the night so we won't have to get up so early (and sit in traffic with the same people who were trying to leave last night). I'll keep you posted if there are any changes. On a good note, we have another full day to send loving prayers Sean's way. And I send a prayer to the children who had to have the emergency surgeries, and their families, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you and oraying all goes well with Sean
