Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Family Farm Weekend

So we all survived and had lots of fun at the family cleaning weekend at the farm...even with 10 adults, 7 children, and 5 dogs staying in one house...but unfortunately, I did not take a single picture all weekend! I found these two pictures from last week and decided to share them instead. Nothing else new at this end. I have finally learned (after 4 years) how to take video clips with my camera. I'm just not sure how to post them on this site. I'll work on it, and I'll try to get a video of Sean motoring along. His crawling has advanced from a wounded soldier dragging himself into a trench, to more of a three legged cat (no offense, Nicole). But it gets him where he's going, and besides, he'd rather walk (as long as there is something to hold onto)!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

HAHA!!! You described the baby "army crawl" perfectly! It's the cutest thing! I'm glad you guys had a good weekend! I can wait to see you in a few weeks!