Monday, September 3, 2007

Goodbye Summer

I know that technically there are still about two weeks of summer left, but as far as I'm concerned, summer ends with Labor Day. School has started, the pool is closed, and its getting dark earlier and earlier. The only good thing about this time of year is football. How 'bout those Mountaineers!?! And Go Steelers! There is something about the cool, crisp air of early September that smells like football. I love it. Okay, enough rambling. I don't have any new pictures to share, so I thought I would share this video of Sean I took a few weeks ago. He really is having a good time- despite the lack of expression on his face. He is so serious sometimes! As for his crying marathon at school on his first day, it seems that he is over it. I learned to NOT hand him over to someone (this immediately results in tears). Instead, I just put him down on the floor to play, kiss his head and leave. He does much better this way, and is actually having a lot of fun. Rex is still enjoying his new classroom. He's a bit baffled that we go to school five days a week now (we only did three days over the summer), but he's having lots of fun as well. That's it for now. I'll try to get some new photos up sometime this week!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Erin, he looks so cute on his bike, I love the dog casually strolling by in the background! Glad school is working out better.