Saturday, February 28, 2009

I don't get it...

Either he is ready for warm weather and shorts, or he knows about an imminent flood that no one else heard about. Either way, Sean has a new and strange little quirk where he pulls up his pant legs and holds them up as he walks around the house. And he is so serious about it! I guess some things are just better left unquestioned.

He also loves the rainbow sunglasses I pulled out of the cabinet the other day. They make everything look blue, which makes him smile. And when Sean smiles, the world smiles with him.

And then there's Jack. Bubbly, smiley, giggly, Jack. You can tell he was born at 5:00 on a Friday. I call him my "happy hour baby." He's just so mellow.

I've been trying to get a video of his belly-laugh, but he's more interested in trying to put the camera in his mouth.

That's it for now- I'll try to get some pics of Rex up for his birthday.


Emily said...

Anna does the same thing with her pant legs. She thinks it's a riot.

Jack is getting so big and he looks like such a fun baby.


Emily said...

Anna does the same thing with her pant legs. She thinks it's a riot.

Jack is getting so big and he looks like such a fun baby.


Jeantaylor said...

Maybe the bottom of the pants rub his little knees making it uncomfortable for him. Try rolling them up above his knees. Just a thought!