Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Here are some pictures from our Easter day today. All of my boys looked quite handsome in their khakis and button down shirts. They even managed to keep them clean! They were very excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come to visit (well, Rex was excited- Sean was pretty clueless about the whole thing). We had our annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt this morning (in the 30 degree temps), and the kids had lots of fun. Sean didn't find any eggs, but he sure did have fun playing with the eggs that Rex found (and emptied)! We had a nice afternoon visiting with Grandma and Granddad Sutton, and Uncle Matt and Aunt Lindsay.


Maria said...

Look at those handsome men, they all look so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I'm so jealous. I hope are kids end up as awesome as yours!