Here are some pictures taken this past week. Rex is usually not one to sit and color a picture(he scribbles one line and announces "Done!")but he loves scissors, glue sticks, and hole punchers, and he managed to make Michael the cutest card for his birthday. He is also into dressing himself these days, and he is quite sure that his blue and yellow galoshes match EVERYTHING!- even when its not raining and its 80 degrees outside. He makes quite a fashion statement. Like every mother, I pick my battles, and that is one battle I do not choose. Just like I did not pick the battle when he wanted to ride the neighbor girl's pink princess bike...complete with pink ladybug helmet. Doesn't he look darling? I guess that's what happens when you have the only boys in the neighborhood. (And actually, the girls love to come over to wear Rex's tool belts and play with his circular saw).
Sean on the other hand has had a rough week. He is just getting over (another) cold, and I think he is teething. Actually, I'm praying that he is teething and that his incessant crying will come to an end when the tooth finally erupts. I refuse to believe that any child can just simply be that unhappy. But I did manage to snap some shots of his brief (and fleeting) happy moments. I thought of snapping pictures of his crying, but that just seemed cruel. You'll just have to trust me. On a good note- he had his nine month check up on Friday, and he received a clean bill of health. He is almost 18lbs(10th percentile) and is 27 1/4 inches long (20th percentile). He's a tiny little thing, especially compared to Rex's 90th percentile measurements, but he is healthy, and that's what counts.
The boys looks so cute! I am glad to hear that someone else has a small baby, Ashley is also at the bottom of all the growth charts! I agree though, as long as they are healthy, who cares!
What a relief to know that the Princess bike belongs to the neighbor girls. I almost ran out and bought Rex a football helmet and football when I saw it.
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