Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

These photos are from Mother's Day Weekend. I was lucky enough to spend the weekend not only with my wonderful husband and children, but also my Mom, my brother Paul, my sister Mindi, her husband Jeff, my nephew Trevor, and my niece Morgan. Our little house was quite full, but we had lots of fun. Grandma babysat on Friday night so we grown-ups could go to the Clarks concert here in town. (The Clarks are a band from Pittsburgh and they played at Ram's Head). After movie night with Grandma on Friday, the kids were able to play outside all weekend, which helped them to sleep very well at night! Rex loved having his cousins here to play with, and Sean enjoyed all of the extra attention. After everyone left on Sunday, Michael and I and the kids headed downtown to stroll around, and we had a nice dinner on a patio over the water. Rex was very sad to see everyone go home...he doesn't quite understand why everyone we know and like doesn't live here with us...but a trip to the playground after dinner seemed to lift his spirits a bit. (He even managed to stay ON the swing!) Sean was feeling a little under the weather most of the weekend. Just a little cold, I hope. You can see in the pictures, he's just not himself. But he was still spoiled rotten by Grandma! (and loved every minute of it!) That's all for now. I hope all of you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! I know I did!

1 comment:

The Kiser's said...

It's nice to get to see you and Mike in the pictures too. Parents always forget to get in front of the camera.

Glad you had such a nice mothers day weekend.
