Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Some New Pics

Just wanted to do a quick post of some new pictures. My goal is to post them at least weekly, and seeing that it's been a week since my last post, I don't want to be a failure. Here are some photos of the boys from this past week. Sean is happy as can be all snuggled in his towel after bath time. I didn't take many pictures of Rex this week. He fell off of a swing (face first) last Tuesday, and had a horrible scab on his nose and forehead. He is healing nicely, and has agreed to try not to pick fights with the ground anymore. The ground always wins. In this photo he is having lots of fun painting gifts for his Grandmas for Mother's Day. (Don't look too closely, Grandmas, it's supposed to be a surprise!) Sean even helped out a bit- but mostly he just liked playing with the empty paintbrush. You can see that with his intense concentration, he even forgets to keep his tongue in his mouth. That's his new "thing". Anytime he has to concentrate on something- out comes the tongue. I have especially seen it lately as he tries to fine tune his crawling skills. He's able to lift up on all fours now, but unfortunately (and frustratingly) for him, he ends up pushing himself backwards. I guess he inherited my sense of direction. Boy does he get mad. Then he looks at me as if I did it to him! In the picture above, he has backed himself into a corner and underneath a big stuffed bear. He hadn't yet figured out that he was stuck, so I was able to get him to smile.

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