Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 4th Float

Our neighborhood participated in the Annapolis Fourth of July Parade this year. Ever since Michael bought his trailer last year, he has been obsessing about building a float. (I guess he really misses homecoming at WVU!) Well, his vision became a reality, and the "Windmill Hill Ladies Association" (as we neighborhood moms sarcastically call ourselves) strolled, or should I say rolled, down main street with the kids all in matching t-shirts on the best darn float in the parade (although President's Hill had a fire truck that was really cool). The kids wore their star sunglasses and waved their little flags- it was a blast! Michael pushed Sean in the stroller behind the float (we were a little worried about him falling off the float) and handed out candy to the spectators. Sean wouldn't wear the sunglasses, but he waved his flag just like the big kids. Rex, who stayed up way too late the night before while finishing the float, fell asleep before we even hit Church Circle! That was a big hit with all of the grandmas in the crowd. I heard a rumor that there is a prize for Best Neighborhood Entry, but I haven't heard yet who won. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

What a FANTASTIC float! I'm so jealous that you guys live in a place that has a parade like that!!!

Less than a week now until are having some fun at Beth's wedding...Mike will be on baby duty so we can par-tay right?