Monday, May 21, 2007

I See You!

Three year olds love to play hide and seek. They just don't have the whole hiding thing down pat yet. Rex's idea of hide and seek goes something like this- "Mommy, I'm going to hide in the box, will you come find me?" "Sure, Rex, go ahead." "Okay, close your eyes and count!" "One, Two, Three, Four ....Ten, ready or not, here I come!" (lots of giggling coming from the box) "You can't see me!" "Where is Rex hiding? Are you behind the door?" "No, Mommy, I'm in the box!" (Duh!) End of game. Three year olds also love to play in boxes. Forget the fancy schmancy tents and tree houses- give Rex a box and he is entertained all afternoon. Okay, realistically, ten minutes, but that's a really long time for him to be entertained. Sometimes longer if he decides to 'hide' in it, and I forget to 'seek' him! (Oops...only happened once). Sean has been having his own fun hiding from and seeking the other baby that lives in our mirror. His reflection is his new best friend. Kids are so easily amused. For five minutes at a time anyway!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Last year I was at a b-day party for a 1 year old and the kid's uncle bought him a box from U-Haul as a joke...well it was a HUGE hit!!! The kid wanted no part of the expensive toys people had bought, he just wanted the box!

Love the pics of Sean and the mirror too!